RED DEER – Hockey Alberta, in conjunction with its sanctioned Minor Leagues (male and female), is currently reviewing the sustainability of league play for the remainder of the 2020-21 season. If there is no new information from the Government of Alberta by February 1, a decision will be made about whether to continue planning League play.

Please note that any decision regarding league play will not mean the end of hockey activity for the 2020-21 season.

All timelines of when hockey will be allowed to return and the required safety protocols that may be in place if that happens are still uncertain. Hockey Alberta Members should discuss deadlines and options for a return with their facility/ municipality.

Members also need to consider options for flexible programming, such as skill development programming and/or exhibition or mini-league games (ie: 3 on 3 / 4 on 4), that could be implemented to complete the year.

It also will not end Hockey Alberta’s work with the Government of Alberta, Alberta Health and Alberta Health Services to implement a relaunch plan for our sport. Hockey Alberta remains focused on working with government officials to develop a plan that will permit teams to return to practice and eventual game play and keep our youth active for their physical and mental well-being.

To date, representatives of Hockey Alberta have met with Alberta Health and Government of Alberta representatives on several occasions, as recently as last week. Discussions have focused on how hockey can be relaunched in a way that ensures the safety of all participants.