Effective February 3rd, 2021, Hockey Calgary Board of Directors and Member Associations have made the difficult decision to cancel the remainder of the 2020-21 ‘Traditional Hockey Season’ and focus on providing a development program for members that wish to participate. Read Hockey Calgary’s February 3, 2021 bulletin here.

This decision is based on the following information:

On the afternoon of January 29th, the government communicated the following:

  • ‘Community’ youth sports will NOT open in stage 1.
  • ‘Community’ youth sports opening appears to be in stage 2, (March 1 at earliest)
    • Stage 2 Details:
      • Stage 2 will be realized only if hospitalizations fall below 450.
      • There were no clear protocols outlined for how youth sports would open in stage 2, but we can assume, that it would NOT be in a game format, and there would be some # limitations at this time.

On February 2nd, Hockey Alberta released a memo stating the following:

  • HA traditional ‘League Play’ will be cancelled for the 2020-21 season.
  • Minor Hockey Associations would be free to offer developmental programs, if their arenas remained open, restrictions are lifted, and they are interested in doing so.

The Hockey Calgary Membership Survey revealed that:

  • A significant portion of members wanted to continue the current playing season or extend it.
  • There was also a large % of families who would rather end the season immediately.
  • Providing refunds was important.

It has always been the hope of Hockey Calgary to return to scheduled league play, however the current restrictions, timelines and ice availability does not make that feasible.